Thursday, December 17, 2009

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A Public Consultation Draft Security ICONTEC

The committee safety standards for playgrounds 177 ICONTEC, is developing the draft standard DE181-09 SWIMMING POOL SAFETY END 0055. PART 1: SAFETY BARRIERS FOR SWIMMING POOLS and the draft standard DE182-09 SWIMMING POOL SAFETY END 0056. PART 2: LOCATION OF SAFETY BARRIERS FOR SWIMMING POOLS.

We invite you to participate in the public consultation process by submitting their comments via our website before February 15, 2010.
To access the document click on the link below:

Part 1: DE181-09

Part 2: DE182-09

When you log into your document can make comments placed directly in number of interest and clicking on it. In the window that is displayed, please indicate your comments as editorial or technical. When finished each comment must Save. When finished recording their observations, do not forget to cast a global concept of the document in the initial window.

Any concerns in this regard may be addressed to the phone (57-1) 6 07 88 88 Ext 1418, or via email at the following address:

Friday, October 23, 2009

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Monday, October 19, 2009

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Act 1209 of 2008 determined that the Government would regulate the security measures that must meet the heads of the pools.
On June 10, 2009 the Ministry of Social Protection issued the 2171 decree by which identifies measures applicable to the swimming pools and similar structures used collectively and privately owned unihabitacional and other provisions.

Although many officials above the pools have not made the changes necessary to comply with the law, arguing that "it is better to wait for the technical regulation not to lose the investment. "

September 21 Ministry of Social Protection issued for public review of the draft resolution which is partially regulated by Decree 2171, 2009 and which would receive comments until October 6.

Along with the above ICONTEC has been working on its various committees as related to the standardization of security devices to give the Ministry the END or Policy Specification normative documents available that are temporary volunteers, providing requirements or recommendations and represents the consensus and approval within a technical committee which is adopted by the National Standardization Agency and will form part of the Technical Regulations.
To date ICONTEC has the following DE (Study Documents) that give rise to the END:
DE181-09-Swimming pool safety barriers - reference document AS1926.1.
DE182-09-Location of safety barriers for swimming pools - reference document AS1926.2
DE 223-09 - Suction devices for swimming pools and similar structures
DE 236-09 - Emergency stop
DE 237-09 - Parts control systems for safety.
DE 214-09 - Vacuum Release System for swimming pools and similar structures of 233-09
Delivery System Vacuum pool and similar structures yet
Alarm DE END
then become the Technical Standards.

So, in November or December we will have two administrative acts which constitute the long-awaited rules: Partial Resolution issued on 22 September with the comments submitted on October 6, together with the technical requirements for devices safety or END.

Regulation, regulation, Verordnung, réglementation, 规 制, Regolamento

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

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do is the Regulations Act 1209?

three-month deadline (January 14, 2010) for swimming pools and similar structures are appropriate to the safety and water quality in the Act 1209 and we continue to await the Technical Regulations enacted by the Ministry of Social Protection, which will allow us to make any necessary changes without fear of being wrong.

few days ago after a long research paper, published Ministry of Social Protection to review a draft resolution dealing:

Technical criteria for pools and similar structures such as planes, forms the lake, river deep, minimum distance of children and adult pools, gutters, siding, wide corridors, location of bars, periods of recirculation, Drop Zone, sanitary facilities, dressing rooms, supporting facilities, indoor swimming pools.
Physical, chemical and microbiological water and techniques for analysis, frequency of monitoring water quality, water safety standards and chemicals.
minimum criteria, training and certification of lifeguards, requirements of the responsible operator or pool man, security standards and products first aid kit minimum.
Inspections health and minimum performance requirements, logbook disease control, regulation and use of swimming pool-like structure, minimum elements for the operation of the pool.

The comments on the draft resolution the Ministry receive until 6 October.

Technical Regulation
Technical Regulation to be issued by the Ministry of Social Welfare must meet criteria such as relying on international standards and serve to protect the lives of consumers according to Resolution 3742 of February 2, 2001 of the Superintendency of Industry and Trade, which is relying on the successful intervention ICONTEC.

The ICONTEC is working on developing standards for products, in this case the safety devices for pools and formed several Technical Committees to develop a policy document using international reference documents, in this case American standards, French Australian and regional standards and always within the legal framework that is Act 1209 of 2008.

Technical Committees that were formed are: Siding-Ct177, alarms and emergency stop button-Ct 231, System Safety Vacuum Release-Ct127-Ct and anti-entrapment cover 123

The ICONTEC must ensure that the Technical Committees with the participation of all sector interests be it government, industry, commerce, consumers, unions, associations, private and public entities, since there must be a balance of interests to reach decisions that ultimately and as it says its rules are made by consensus.

Maybe in the committee chaired by Cotelco enclosures, which is presented further discussion regarding the definition of reference documents Americans or Australians or mixing and this due to the particular interests of each sector . Anyway it was very clear from the outset that the Committee did not define whether or not the enclosure placed and at what time, because the 1209 Act already provides.

Colombians trusted the wise work of those who are holding the development of standards and technical regulation of safety in swimming pools and similar structures and do not give rise to interpretations of the law rigged by those who think about their own interests and not the safety of children.


Friday, September 25, 2009

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Standard AS1926-January 2007 Safety Barriers for swimming pools

This Australian standard was prepared by the safety CS 034 private pools, adopted on January 17, 2007 and published on July 12, 2007.
Corrected May 15, 2008 "Amdt 1-2008"

The AS1926-1 standard specifies requirements for design, construction and use of barriers, doors, walls, windows that are part of the barrier that restricts access children younger than 5 years to the pools.
Australian Standards can be purchased from SAI GLOBAL

English The following links contain many aspects of the standard:
Halroyd City

Sutherland Shire Council City of Marion
AS1926-1 Design and Construction
Home pool safety checklist

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

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Draft Resolution Law-Decree 2171

The Department of Public Health presents and invites the public to make observations and comments on the DRAFT RESOLUTION by partially regulating Decree 2171 of 2009.

This draft resolution is to establish the technical and safety criteria, the physical, chemical and microbiological water swimming pond and similar structures, surface microbiological characteristics of pools and similar structures; lifeguard certification, criteria used for inspection, monitoring and control in swimming pools and similar structures.

Please send comments on the draft resolution until the October 6, to the following email

For more information

Thursday, September 17, 2009

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International Security

well known for the World Health Organization, UNICEF and other international agencies that the drowning of minors is one of the leading causes of accidental deaths worldwide.
Governments aware of this legislation and continues doing so:

France is the only European country with a national law, the so-called Raffarin Act 2002 and requires that pools be protected with at least one of the items security.

Enclosures: Minimum of 1.10 m that are not vegetated. It requires self-closing and self-adjusting door. NF P90-306 standard

Alarm: are allowed to dive overboard detected or the perimeter of infrared rays. NF P90-307 standard

Covers: Covers the entire pool and are automatic or manual. Should be used when the pool is not in use or in winter along with other security features. NF P90-308 standard


regulation has for its entire territory to the rules on fences and security badges-1 AS1926, AS1926-2, AS2820.

However there are different requirements depending on the geographical location of the pool and the date of building it.

New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland have legislation that are accommodating themselves to national standards and code of building construction. Demand

permanent fences 1.20m. minimum self-closing door and autoranging. If chain link mesh should be 1.80 m. minimum when the lattice is greater than 10mm. Are standard measures for the separation of the bars from the floor, climbing area etc.

permanent enclosures are used in glass or aluminum. The mesh fences are not used.


The country has the legislative act of 1987 and April 1, 2008 which requires a minimum 1.20m enclosure with self-closing and self-adjusting door that opens outward. Have minimum height and spacing of bars. The pool area may include some program and the closure may be in plant material.


No hay legislación nacional sobre seguridad en las piscinas excepto el acto legislativo VGB de 2007 (Drenajes, Cubiertas de drenajes, Sistemas de Liberación de Vacío), sin embargo Estados como la Florida, California y Arizona tienen legislación y la hacen cumplir.

Han llegado a la conclusión que para prevenir ahogamientos por inmersión deben usar las "capas de protección" que son supervisión, cerramientos, alarmas, sistemas de liberación de vacío, tapas antiatrapamientos, drenajes dobles o autobloqueables.
Tienen legislación para piscinas públicas, semipúblicas and private.

The standards used are ASTM F 2208, 2286, 2387, among others. CANADA

has a regulation April 1, 1999, however there is a law for the whole country.

Quebec and Ontario are the areas most demanding in terms of pool safety. Walls require insulation on all four sides of the pools in some cities may include the wall of the house and not in others. COLOMBIA

is the only Latin American country has a law for all its territory (Act 1209 of 2008)

applies to swimming pools requires public and private enclosure, alarm, vacuum release system, emergency button and anti-entrapment drain covers double.

addition, the Act includes matters relating to the physical, chemical and microbiological water.

is in the process of regulations under the Act by the Ministry of Social Protection.