Thursday, December 17, 2009

Accelerated Emt Basic Course In New York

A Public Consultation Draft Security ICONTEC

The committee safety standards for playgrounds 177 ICONTEC, is developing the draft standard DE181-09 SWIMMING POOL SAFETY END 0055. PART 1: SAFETY BARRIERS FOR SWIMMING POOLS and the draft standard DE182-09 SWIMMING POOL SAFETY END 0056. PART 2: LOCATION OF SAFETY BARRIERS FOR SWIMMING POOLS.

We invite you to participate in the public consultation process by submitting their comments via our website before February 15, 2010.
To access the document click on the link below:

Part 1: DE181-09

Part 2: DE182-09

When you log into your document can make comments placed directly in number of interest and clicking on it. In the window that is displayed, please indicate your comments as editorial or technical. When finished each comment must Save. When finished recording their observations, do not forget to cast a global concept of the document in the initial window.

Any concerns in this regard may be addressed to the phone (57-1) 6 07 88 88 Ext 1418, or via email at the following address: