For a bad decision, I went to Santa Fe even knowing that probably would not give me time to go to my medical practice in the afternoon. Now I know, and I would have avoided many ugly things.
A Ariadne had more than 3 years of not seeing her and get his message moved me a lot because it was a great friend. Once we became inseparable. So much so that even their parents thought they were dating.
On Monday morning I receive a message from him saying that is in DF and that evening will go to Toluca, that if we were. I did not hesitate and answered immediately. And Tacubaya, I took a bus to Santa Fe
and we just had time to eat, and catch up with half as many years since we met. Could not remember how well I spent with her. He did not know that in a couple of hours, that love que tanto le tenía se iba a convertir en el peor de los odios.
Terminamos de comer y caminamos un poco, pendejeamos otro poco y platicamos más.
Ya cuando nos íbamos a ir, estábamos en Palacio de Hierro viendo ropa y planeando un futuro encuentro. Fui al baño y le dejé encargada mi mochila. Al volver, seguimos platicando más y viendo más ropa. Era tarde, decidimos irnos. Ella fue al baño. Dije que la esperaría afuera.
Al salir de la tienda, las alarmas sonaron y varios policías se me acercaron. Me preguntaron si había comprado algo. Les dije que no. Y ellos me dijeron que les enseñara el contents of my backpack. Without saying a word, I was cooperative and agreed.
How great was my surprise that my bag pulled out a bra and a shirt.
course, I said that I had not put there by me and to wait for my friend to clarify this. So went and waited. More police arrived, a security dude who looked like chain-of antrum and more police. My friend did not come. We talked on the phone and I answered. I started to get nervous. The cops are desperate and they said "and it was good for little games" and took me by the arm and led me to one of the testers.
told me to remove my jacket, to take out everything that was in the bag and tell them what else I had stolen. No time or give me answer, I cried and I was treated like a criminal. I did everything I said without putting up resistance. But still did not understand what was happening.
thoroughly review all asked me why I stole it and explained that he had no idea how did that to my bag. But they were loud and I did not understand why. I ticked this old (yes, from that moment on I am not referring to her as my friend to but as that old) and I never answered. I was told that if I had to pay "what I stole." And no, it was not enough. But I told them to pay with electronic cash, which did have sufficient funds. But the dudes they broke me. I wanted to say that if you pay by credit card, but I thought I would run with the same fate as the wallet. You can put diapers and told me I only accept cash payment but.
The police came. I listened from inside but could not understand.
Suddenly the chain-of antrum came and told me to keep my things, that he could go. They did not want go back to see there, they already had my picture, that every time you enter a Palacio de Hierro, buy or not buy anything, I was going to stop and check on me. I welcome that as a customer, who as "rat" no. And "that saved me."
I was just leaving, but leave the chain-maker told me to wait. Several police officers surrounded me, and the chain-maker was on the phone.
Suddenly, a patrol came and told me to rise. I refused and told them where we were going, but the chain-I won and I got strength to strength.
already on patrol, the policemen were talking in code and only understand something about a bond that would pay them for having stopped. That's why I first was told that I would then no longer.
took me to the Public Ministry Cuajimalpa.
Now, in the distance, I do not understand if that's put things that were not paid to my backpack was a very bad joke or was it just something that thought or what the hell was. If it was a joke, was the most rump that I have done in my life. If it was intentional, I do not understand why. If it was "accidental" I do not know why not take responsibility for their actions and leave me there "to die alone."
(To be continued ..)