I have often mentioned that I hate being late, though of late I've become almost-one of those things mutants. Always try to arrive at the appointed time, if I'm late I take the trouble to warn preferably before - and not because it is the time - To avoid who I quote have to wait for more and can do anything else in between. Before leaving home, for example.
should know that know how to manage every minute point, they are mythological creatures able to calculate the perfect time to leave your home or wherever they are and reach the destination with time to spare, or accurate. Nothing to do with timeliness geeks, those arriving 4 hours before and / or those nagging you to get 2 minutes and 17 seconds later and to tell you that people like you the country is as it is.
For specific
are unwritten rules, as saying that the time is 10 or tolerance 15 minutes. Some are more generous and give 20. Some more, but they certainly do not expect the same patience that the first few minutes. With regard to this point I elaborate:
When I have to wait for someone, I do not get impatient if I have to wait 20, 30 or 40 minutes. Sometimes yes, but I pretend not, I feel that if someone arrives late maybe my fault for failing to notify 3 days in advance, which may have been abducted and to wait. I say, a abdudción not a matter of minutes someone think of the aliens! Maybe because I have no despair though I have done before and although I do afterwards because maybe one time I am in the case contrary and in need of such tolerance. Although we all know that.
are unwritten rules, as saying that the time is 10 or tolerance 15 minutes. Some are more generous and give 20. Some more, but they certainly do not expect the same patience that the first few minutes. With regard to this point I elaborate:
When I have to wait for someone, I do not get impatient if I have to wait 20, 30 or 40 minutes. Sometimes yes, but I pretend not, I feel that if someone arrives late maybe my fault for failing to notify 3 days in advance, which may have been abducted and to wait. I say, a abdudción not a matter of minutes someone think of the aliens! Maybe because I have no despair though I have done before and although I do afterwards because maybe one time I am in the case contrary and in need of such tolerance. Although we all know that.
I have a friend who always arrived an hour late and began to cite one hour before it arrived on time instead of talking to her and say things like: you have a problem, moron. You are punctual! After he discovered that cited above, by the way, returned to me the same thing came an hour late. I thought you had it coming to alter their habits of tardiness cream. Ever waited two hours to go to the movies two! TWO! She swore at the last minute that lacked only "5 minutes". I pretended nothing was wrong though boiling with rage inside and out of the function is dropped it (not gamble, pigs).
The next time we went to see did not come. When we scored I knew I was in a hospital with leg cast because she had been hit by trying to be on time. It was not my fault, I know. And neither was as bad As her asshole! (Hello) But then I thought so. From there I decided to put up with the tardy but let me planted or waiting another two hours two! TWO! Because such another accident that happened.
The Fayer Wednesday quoted us sushi for dinner at 7pm., Came close to 9pm (Yes, he cited and he was the one who arrived late). When I despaired that, apart from him, others will not, I would send a message. And I wrote a very disturbing message. A lot. When I went to send my phone died. I understood it as a divine message from heaven from the tardy. Then Fayer appeared among colored lights, smoke, black and gay band. It was the sushi and all live happily ever after. Of having sent the message maybe I would have regretted. Or maybe the subway in coming had been derailed and caused the largest catástrosfe after the earthquake of 85. And many legs would not fit plastered on my conscience.
I've always said that I am a very patient person, maybe that's wrong, say, or maybe I'm too condescending or maybe very stupid. Do you realize how despite everything I defendiento to pinchi both untimely?
So finally, tell a very disturbing message and maybe offensive and rude to the reader's eyes for those who do not know what punctuality is to respect others' time:
Ya, guys. Then download it to your tardiness. Thanks.
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