Sr (a) Mayor (s):
Best Regards,
The Honorable Councils of each of the 1098 municipalities in the country, using its constitutional and legal powers especially conferred by Article 313, paragraphs 6 and 10 of the Constitution, 32 of Act 136 of 1994, 9 and 10 of Act 1209 of 2008 and Decree 15 of 2171, 2009, and considering that the Pool Safety Act and similar structures came into force since January 14, 2010, mandating compliance same to each and every one of those who were custodians of the requirements set out therein, including the mayors around the country, should consider:
1. That Act 1209 of 2008, aims to "establish standards aimed at providing safe and adequate swimming facilities in order to avoid accidents, health problems and protect the lives of users of these, subject to arrangements other rules that may be of a concurrent application. "
2. That Decree 2171 of 2009 (By which identifies measures applicable to the swimming pools and similar structures and collective use of private property and issues unihabitacional other provisions), was approved by the national government on June 10, 2009. This Regulatory Decree Law 1209 of 2008, leaving no force, if any, the technical requirements that are standard in municipal agreements and transfers the responsibility to rule on the matter to the municipalities through the department or administrative office that they determine .
3. That Article 15 of Decree 2171 of 2009 states: POWERS OF MUNICIPALITIES AND DISTRICTS. In implementing Article 9 of the Act 1209 of 2008, the municipalities and districts in their respective jurisdiction shall be responsible through the department or administrative office that they determine, following:
- approve construction projects or adequacy of pools and similar structures in their jurisdiction.
- authorize the operation of the pools or similar structures in its jurisdiction, by Certificate of Safety Compliance pool or similar structure, which ensures compliance with the provisions of this decree and the standards issued by the Ministry of Social Protection on the subject, the certificate shall, among others, the concept of health issued by the Departmental Health Authority, District or Municipal (Municipality category 1, 2 and 3) health. Make
- control to ensure compliance with the security plan and management of daily operations running as well as regular audits of pools and similar structures within their jurisdiction to ensure compliance with the provisions set forth in this Decree and regulations issued by the Ministry of Social Protection Social on the subject.
- Apply sanctions that may apply to the heads of pools or similar structures which do not comply with the provisions of this Decree and regulations issued by the Ministry of Social Protection on the subject, for the effect, take into account noted in Chapter V of Act 1209 of 2008 or the rule that the change, add or change.
Under the above considerations, the Honorable Council of the Municipality, should: Appoint
- immediately (if it fails to do so) the agency or office performing administrative functions of verification and certification of compliance with the requirements established by law for establishments with collective and private pools unihabitacionales
- that the resulting agreement, governing from the date of its passage and enactment and repeal all provisions of city ordinance that are contrary.
Sr (a) Mayor (s): The only purpose of the content in this release is serve as a facilitator to comply with an established standard. His willingness to address these risks will be appreciated in the silence of life for those children who belong to a collective NO sad but avoidable and preventable, 24 deaths by drowning for every 30 days in our beloved homeland.
Of You Sincerely, Hugo Díaz
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