Ancient Prophecies Mayan Prophecies and the End of the World
I think that no one is in this world who has not heard about the famous Mayan prophecy about the end of this planet, which will occur in such a short time, according to the belief of this ancient civilization.
Even movies have been telling him to pass the 2012 , showing destruction and more destruction, but the Mayans actually said, behind his famous prophecy, speaking in the plural, because there was only a Mayan prophecy were seven. Understanding
behind them, to know for sure that is what the future holds.
The Mayan Prophecies and the End of the World
was one of the most important civilizations Mesoamerica, and its achievements were exceptional both in the practice of agriculture, the construction of large temples and buildings, creating a picture-writing to date has not been possible to fully decipher.
But something happened between 250 and 900 AD, which led to the Maya abandoned their cities and were located in small settlements where preserved to the present, language and some customs, an enigma to this day Today no one knows its cause, the fact is that this became another mystery of this culture, which together with their prophecies makes it so interesting.
The Maya were extremely knowledgeable astronomy and possessing an accurate calendar, is said to have bequeathed to posterity a collection of seven prophecies originated on their religious beliefs, your old world view and the so-called Long Count calendar, which counts the days after the alleged date the creation of the world. Understanding
Seven Mayan Prophecies. First
Mayan prophecy.
is that everyone knows, and nobody stops talking these days, and it ensures that the world will end on Saturday December 22, 2012, and humanity will face the dilemma of disappearing as a species or overcome their hatred and permanent conflict integrated into the cosmos and realize that a parhttp: / / www.blogger.com / img / blank.gifte of all life. The disaster will occur, according to this, when the Sun received an intense beam from the center of the galaxy will produce a huge flame and cause heating in the Earth present a series of volcanic eruptions and magnetic changes.
The species is not extinct at all, but live a time of darkness that will be possible to reconnect and reflect on their actions. Second
Mayan prophecy.
This is closely related to the first, and asserts that since 1999, when there would be a solar eclipse, humanity live a number of major and significant changes that would prepare for the new era.
In this version a bit idealistic, man charged aware of their shortcomings and prepare to solve problems and synchronized with the planet's evolution. Faced with the dilemma of good and evil, man would become his own judge moral and focus on two different lines of action: the destruction, hatred and greed, and spiritual integration of love and respect with the world surroundings. Third
Mayan prophecy
As the first prophecy, this has attracted much attention from scholars, its close links with climate change today. She said the planet will suffer an unprecedented heat wave increasing the temperature with the consequences we all know now: drought, food shortages and fires, among others, which necessarily will result in social conflicts.
This change will result from the lack of harmony between man and nature and its destructive action on it motivated by greed and abuse. Fourth
Mayan prophecy.
She said the biggest threat yet to happen since 1992, as a result of weakening protections against such planetary event and wear an alleged "electromagnetic shield 'which so far has kept us safe.
Quinta Maya prophecy.
According to her, the fear, anguish and fear of facing our civilization today must move to make way for a harmonious balance of all living things, in which the human being made aware of the power of his intellect and with it , rearrange the society we live to advance the path of progress and love.
Everything that is integrated into this movement will disappear without a remedy. Sixth
Mayan prophecy.
Here is also an integral element of other ancient prophecies and fears, as is the occurrence of a comet that appears in the sky announcing woes and could eventually fall to Earth to destroy it.
According to their cosmology, the appearance of this celestial body would be no effect of astronomical coincidence, but a phenomenon directly caused by the gods to compel men to make changes in its destructive career. Seventh
Mayan prophecy.
She talks about what happens between the period of time ranging from 1999 to 2012, where light emitted from the center of the galaxy will synchronize all living beings to voluntarily enter an internal transformation to ensure their access to new realities dominated by vital energy, the creative spirit and interior lighting.
Well, in short, because we realized that all the prophecies, which has more popular support is the first, perhaps because it is more specific and detailed, but when he said a precise date for the end of the world.
By the year 2012, and only then will we know if these prophecies will join the long list of prophecies that promise much, but at the end of the meeting no ...
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