Wednesday, June 9, 2010

How Did I Get A Prostate Infection

weighing weight. Click

Since I was a child I was very chubby. And I say because it sounds less ugly chubby say fat. Gordo is a word that resonates throughout your vehicle when you hear it directed at you, the blood becomes thick as fat and your slices are moved rhythmically to the beat of those two syllables as clear cut: GOR - OJ. In reality only for the traumatized, like me.

was therefore one of those children who were obese. Not that it was therefore only used to hang out with people thinner. So, undoubtedly, a group someone will be overweight, and that was me. I was glad when someone came to the small group of more weight because the nickname changed automatically the owner and I was happy.

When I was in sixth grade I was chosen to be the bearer of the school guard and everything was beautiful. But came the physical education teacher and told me I was too fat and had to go on a diet. And so, at the tender age of 11 I started my first diet was based on a breakfast toast and juice, chicken breast or tuna fish for lunch and dinner. At 11 years! And no candy or snacks or anything. Yes

got a lot of weight and I was the best champion of the whole region. But since life is so cruel and I am one of those who breathe and grow fat, put on weight again after my reign as champion of the guard over and therefore the diet.

In high school I remained thin in the first year because I had surgery for appendicitis and had a very strict diet postoperative care but then again it was the fat of the groups, the ridicule of the masses, the black sheep, the self-segregated, etc.

In high school, or say. At one point, exceeding the 100 kilos of weight and became a size 36 in pants. I was a fat ball, literally. I see pictures and makes me sick to remember the moments when people and my own family told me thousands of derogatory nicknames. And as a good fat, suffered from what he was saying, but I took refuge in the evenings-and secretly-in food.

In college I decided on their own, for the first time in my life, lose weight. I did what I never in my life I have done because I'm lazy: exercise. It works, and much, requires too much discipline. More when you have a metabolism so asshole. All this because I wanted to like someone. What a fool I was! I did it but the relationship was so stormy that even he occasionally told me how much FAT and very thin, they were his ex'es.

This I created a trauma so great that sometimes I felt guilty about what I ate and vomited. If I were a little more masochistic surely have reached the bulimia but it is very difficult to throw up and better I lent it to the professionals. I tabletting, I stopped eating as desperate and made every diet that I recommend.

At one point I said the weight would I care, what matters is what you have inside, goeeee. And all those blowjobs and when you have a good heart the rest is unimportant and all those things they say those who think well zen. Or we say the resignation.

gained weight, but the difference is they did not care. The downside is that it was only a tiempecillo, then again the trauma and the worm weight loss were still there. And unexpectedly, when I left home to live alone started and I lose weight without meaning to, by changing eating habits. Then the non-fattening, again, was again taken over my mind and here follows.

I am now at record low weight and pants size (31-32) but even so I still feel a manatee. I'm even thinner than in high school and most of the university. Compliments work sometimes but I'm too hard on myself and I am enchanted.

In my mind the image never changed and even though many tell me I look thinner, I keep seeing that high school students in 100kilos in the mirror. This is, I suppose, a very serious disorder. A severe trauma to self and those blowjobs But while the word fat to stay alive, while I am still announcing the occasional, or euphemism, rather than short-, fat, nothing will change.

The day you stop caring about the weight of truth, but if I'm thin or not, that day I will be happy.


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